Track investments you own or watch using the My Portfolio toolkit
Stay on top of stocks, funds, and securities whether you're investing in them or just interested in following them, by using the My Portfolio toolkit. My Portfolio enables you to follow the collected stocks you are interested in tracking, by the creation of watchlists, multiple portfolios you can build based on your actual, potential, or fantasy holdings, and linked brokerage account portfolios (as applicable). Learn what you can do using Yahoo Finance's My Portfolio tools.
Track and use investment data
- Watch future possibilities by creating portfolios of their ticker symbols.
- Set up custom views for portfolios to include just what's interesting to you.
- Import or export a portfolio to share data, back it up, or use it in a spreadsheet.
Monitor your own financial assets
- Track your investments by entering your holdings information.
- Add notes to your entered holdings for facts, reminders, or other info.
- You can also enter your cash or private equity holdings into a portfolio.